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We, ItsNoon Tecnologia Comunicação e Cultura Ltda., enrolled with the Legal Entities Taxpayers Registry Office - CNPJ under Nº 15.726.445/0001-20 (“ItsNoon” or “We/Us”) have prepared this Privacy Policy as a demonstration of our commitment to protect the privacy of evolve hub Community members. In this Privacy Policy, We explain how We process your personal information. Please, read it carefully before using our Services.
In this Privacy Policy, “Personal Data” refer to any information related to an identified or identifiable person. Other terms in capital letters in this Privacy Policy and not defined herein will have the same meanings attributed to them in the Terms and Conditions.
This Privacy Policy was last updated in November 2020. It is effective for undetermined term, so it will remain effective during the time the Services stay active or until a new Privacy Policy becomes effective.
1.         Services Registration
By clicking accept, as part of the Services registration and access process, You are giving your free, informed and unambiguous consent for processing your Personal Data pursuant to the provisions of the applicable laws, this Privacy Policy, and the ItsNoon Services Terms and Conditions.
Upon registration You confirm that You are legally capable or, as the case may be, that You are being duly represented according to the applicable laws.
2.         Collection of Information
To be able to provide Services to You, We collect the following Personal Data: name and surname; email address; place of birth; country; region; city of residence and current geographic location; banking details, login files, among others.  
Provision and collection of your Personal Data are required for the Services to operate in the form described in the Terms and Conditions. Therefore, any and all Members of the evolve hub Community must consent to have their Personal Data processed in the form described herein in order to use our Services.
3.         Member registration and payment information
During registration to use our Services, You must provide your contact and demographic information. If You fail to provide the required information You will not be able to register with us.
By using our Services, as well as the services of any of our Payment Providers, You confirm to have carefully read and agreed with the terms and conditions of the relevant Payment Provider(s), including, but not limited to, their respective privacy policies. Failure to do so will prevent the evolve hub Platform from sending and receiving amounts.
4.         Use of Personal Data
Promotion and improvement of our Services
We use your Personal Data to provide our Services; to confirm your identity; to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions; to customize your experience when using our Services; to assemble Services reports (by way of example, We may prepare a report for one Member relative to a Challenge posted by such Member); for internal audit purposes; to improve our Services; to generate statistics relative to our Services; to ensure payments and withdrawals from our Payment Providers.
We may use any Personal Data collected to ensure and improve the security of our Services. 
We may use your contact information in the registration form to send information about our Company, notices and alerts, as well as amendments to our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, or evolve hub Platform operating mode. This information is required for purposes of interaction between Members and ItsNoon, reason why You may not opt it out.
From time to time, ItsNoon may send marketing material from some of our affiliated partners. We may also use your information to send advertising material to promote our Services. We may also share your information with ItsNoon marketing partners but solely for purposes of implementation of Challenges and queries in general (for pecuniary purposes or not) provided they process data appropriately and in compliance with this Policy. 
5.         Place and period of time to retain your information
ItsNoon chooses to retain cloud services that employ a high level of security to store Personal Data and are in line with the level of protection established in this Privacy Policy and by the applicable laws.
Personal Data collected may be stored in servers located in Brazil and in other countries with proper levels of data protection.
ItsNoon only stores Personal Data during the period required for the purposes described in the Terms and Conditions and in this Privacy Policy. In case applicable laws or regulations provide for a specific retention period, ItsNoon will comply with the legal provision, including when You request erasure of Your account. ItsNoon may also retain your Personal Data if required for legitimate business purposes, such as to prevent fraud and enhance security of Members of the evolve hub Community.
ItsNoon does not sell or license your Personal Data to third parties for any purposes.
6.         Disclosure of your Information

We will only disclose your Personal Data when necessary to comply with a legal obligation or determination; to comply with a court order; to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions or to protect rights and assets held by ItsNoon and/or Members of our Community, and/or even those of third parties, or to ensure their security.
7.         Sharing your Information
In addition to the purposes described in item 4, We will also share your information with other Members of the Platform, who may have access to your name, profile photo and location.
In the event of a corporate restructuring, your Personal Data may also be transferred, always subject to the level of protection accorded by this Policy.
In addition, ItsNoon uses third party service providers and We may provide some of your Personal Data to such third parties if required for purposes of the Services. We also use third party software containing your Personal Data, sometimes abroad. Such third parties are required by Us to take appropriate precautions to protect your Personal Data against unauthorized use or disclosure.
With regard to payments, We share your payment details with Payment Providers to enable them to execute the transactions. Sharing will only take place for these strict purposes.
8.         International Transfers
ItsNoon may carry out international transfers of data to countries (and between countries) such as, United States, New Zealand, Australia and Brazil, when required for purposes of the Services provided to Members of the evolve hub Community to contribute to their improvement. Such transfers will always be carried out according to appropriate levels of security and data protection. Our expansion policy may broaden the number of countries in which our Services are provided. Based on the relevance of the fact, You will be informed when that happens.
9.         Security
ItsNoon uses its best efforts to protect your Personal Data against loss, theft or any other kind of security incident. However, ItsNoon cannot guarantee that no occasional interception or security incident will occur involving its Services, systems and databases, since external events on the Internet cannot be ignored.
10.       Posting Content
When You post a Content in evolve hub Platform, We make certain information available (by way of example, the description of the Conversation/Event, replies to or comments about the Conversation, images and your name). This section of the Privacy Policy explains what We and other people do with the Content posted by You.
The Content is made public when You post it using our Services. After posted, the Content is available on the Internet.
We retain all Content after the end of the Conversation/Event. The Content may also be retained in other places when third parties access and cache Conversations/Events while they are live. By way of example, Google does that when indexing the Web for search purposes and old challenges may continue to appear in Google searches for a period of time.
If You created a Conversation/Event, We may use the Content to promote the respective Conversation/Event for other Members on the evolve hub Platform or in a more comprehensive manner, as display advertising, in mailings and social media.
11.       Privacy Laws
To the maximum extent permitted by law, applicable privacy laws give You the right to confirm processing; to access and rectify incomplete, inaccurate or outdated information; to export data to another controller; to delete or revoke consent. Contact Us if You wish to access or update your Personal Data, including to change your address, password or phone number. When You update your Data, ItsNoon will store your old details to ensure compliance with our Terms and Conditions. To make a request, please contact Us at
12.       Erasure of a Member
If You wish to close your account and erase any Personal Data submitted to Us, contact Us at to make the request. We will examine any erasure request individually, taking into account our legal obligations to retain certain personal data.
13.       Cookies
ItsNoon employs several technologies, including cookies and local storage, to collect and store information about You while You use the evolve hub Platform. Cookies are small text files that a site, when visited, stores in the computer of an user or in the respective mobile device through a browser. Cookies are used in our Services exclusively to authenticate Users and their respective IPs. They are deemed strictly necessary cookies, since they allow You to browse the Noon Platform and access some of its features, such as to access secure areas via login.
You may, at any time, configure your Web browser to receive cookies and to block them in your system. However, in case cookies are blocked, the evolve hub Platform will not operate properly and You will no longer have access to several features of the Platform.
Notwithstanding, our Service contains links to third parties’ sites and applications that are not owned or controlled by ItsNoon. Payment Providers have their own privacy policies and their own cookies. Therefore, You acknowledge and agree that ItsNoon does not endorses, examines, guarantees or is related in any way to such Payment Providers and/or third parties. ItsNoon advices You to read the terms of use, privacy policies and cookies policies of each of them, even those related to the Noon Platform, since You are responsible for checking and agreeing with such documents.
14.       IP Address
When You visit our Services, your Browser automatically informs your IP (Internet Protocol) address to ItsNoon and provides other information, such as the type of browser You are using. ItsNoon may use the information about your IP and others to manage your use and access to the Services.
15.       Contact

Any question, request or comment must be submitted by the Member to Itsnoon at
16.       Amendments to this Privacy Policy
From time to time, We update our practices or change our Services. We will notify You about any such changes through our Services.
In case You have any question about this Privacy Policy or any other matter, please contact Us.


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